L1 burst fracture with distractions at T12-L1 and C6-7
Sagittal and coronal CT cervical spine reconstructions demonstrate asymmetric widening of the C6-7 disc space and facet joints. The MRI images demonstrate abnormal T2 hyperintensity in the C6-7 disc space with focal disruption of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments. Widening of the C6-7 facet joints is confirmed on MRI with abnormal fluid signal intensity within the C6-7 facet joints. There is also mild patchy signal alteration associated with the C6-7 facet joints. On the sagittal STIR image, there is probable focal disruption of the dorsal dura at C6-7.
CT and MRI images of the lumbar spine demonstrate a comminuted burst fracture of L1 which extends posteriorly through the disc space and posterior elements with mild widening of the T 12-L1 interspace seen on MRI. Fracture is also identified through both L1 and right T12 transverse processes. No significant canal compromise is visible.
Discussion/Differential Diagnosis: