Squamous Cell Carcinoma, maxillary sinus
nNonspecific malignant features- bone destruction without remodeling, ST mass, etc.
nCannot be distinguished reliably from other malignant tumors (lymphoma, MEC, undifferentiated)
nSCCa 80-90% of sinonasal malignancies, asymptomatic until advanced, frequently initially misdiagnosed (chronic sinusitis)
nNickel exposure, other toxins, XRT, immunosuppression
nOverall 25-30% fysr
nStaging- Ohngren’s line joins medial canthus and mandible angle
nT1- limited to antrum, T2- limited to infrastructure (below Ohngren’s), T3- adjacent invasion, T4- orbit, crib plate,
post ethmoid/sphenoid, NP, soft palate, skull base