Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma with central necrosis
nAxial MR demonstrates an abnormal subcortical lesion in the right parietal lobe with decreased T2 signal centrally and surrounding vasogenic edema. The lesion shows irregular peripheral enhancement, with mild mass effect and sulcal effacement.
nDifferential Diagnosis
nPrimary brain tumor, metastatic tumor, abscess, toxoplasmosis.
nPrimary CNS lymphoma accounts for 1-7% of primary brain tumors with 98% of those being B cell, non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The majority are supratentorial with the frontal and parietal lobes being the most common locations. The corpus callosum is often involved. Median survival after diagnosis is between 17-45 months, however survival is greatly decreased in the immunocompromised.
Case contributed by Christopher Heald, UC M4