Traumatic subluxation, C6-7 with facet perch/lock, cord contusion, ligamentous injury
CT demonstrates 6 mm of anterolisthesis of C6 on C7 with displaced C6 facets, locked on the left and perched on the right. The spinal canal measures approximately 8.5 mm in diameter at this level. No acute fractures are visualized. There is a discrete focus of trabecular thinning within the C5 vertebral body suggestive of a hemangioma. MR demonstrates a subtle cord contusion at C7, disruption of the PLL at this level, and a traumatic disc extrusion.
Discussion/Differential Diagnosis:
Please refer to multiple other examples of cervical spine trauma for discussion:
-spinal cord transection
-C5 flexion teardrop fracture
-distraction injuries C1-2 and C6-7
-distraction injuries thoracic
-perched facets
-C2 fracture with rotatory subluxation, RVA occlusion
-C2 Hangman's fx
-complex tsp fx/disloc
-C7 fx w cord contusion and hemorrhage
This case was prepared with the assistance of Joshua Hall, UC undergraduate